Essential Dog Deterrent to Protect Yourself Aggressive Dog attacks

Protect yourself from aggressive dog attacks with our ultrasonic deterrent spray. This essential dog deterrent helps ensure your safety and peace of mind.

Essential Dog Deterrent to Protect Yourself Aggressive Dog attacks.

Protect yourself and your loved ones from aggressive dogs with our handy small ultrasonic device to help ward off potential dog attacks.

Safety from dogs for personal & professional use.

Useful animal deterrent for walkers, runners, cyclists, delivery and utility workers against barking and aggressive dogs.

Dazer protects you and your dog

Dog attack deterrent used by walkers, runners, cyclists, in field teams, delivery, & utility workers.

Not just personal use but many field staff ranging from gas, power and water meter readers to social services and other in field professionals who may come in contact with an aggressive dog. Small deterrent devices deliver a strong sound blast that works and protects as an aggressive dog deterrent. 

How to protect yourself from a dog attack

With so many products on the market for bark control, it can be difficult to understand which repellent device might be best for your situation. Our hand-held animal control device, works simply when you have contact with the dog by aiming the unit at the dog (you need to be able to see the dog) and simply press the button causing the dogs to run away from you. A second activation made be required, so wait a moment and if the dog does not retreat just press the button for 1 to 2 seconds and this second go normally will see the dog retreat.

 Using the anti bark device as Dog Repeller can be used to deter unwanted approaches by dogs and protect yourself and your family. In unfamiliar surroundings and with wild dogs not known to you, increases the potential of unwanted encounters that may result with you being attacked and bitten by a dog or dingo. When holiday packing, pack your ultrasonic dog device.

Also good practice is to also walk with a long stick. Anything to keep distance between you and the dog

How do I protect myself and my dog from other dogs?

Using your rechargeable ultrasonic dog trainer as a deterrent to stop dog approaches or stray dog fight, may save injury and costly medical and vet bills.

If a dog attack occurs try to remain calm and don’t try to separate them but try call your dog and use your device.

Report the incident to police - collect details of witnesses and if necessary have your dog seen to by a vet and yourself by a medical practitioner and keep all information and receipts.

DAZER anti bark device for your protection

Will Anti Barking Devices work?

Protection for you. Your ultrasonic hand-held device sends out a high-pitched sound that’s humans cannot hear, however the sound is heard by dogs (and cats) and is highly irritating. The HUSH U20 will effectively stop barking and threatening dogs up to 10m (HUSH UB122 up to 5m). The units are compact with a wrist strap to conveniently take it with you when running, jogging, or walking your own dog.

The devices are safe for humans and harmless to dogs.  The device makes a loud sound but does not harm any dog.

More on Dangerous Dogs and Dingoes

What to do with aggressive dangerous dog approaches.

  • Avoid eye contact - use your peripheral vision.

  • Remain motionless - do not turn and run since this sudden action may encourage the animal to chase you.

  • Arms by your side.

  • Mouth closed- a smile is interpreted as baring your teeth.

  • Act calmly and avoid sudden movements.

Hopefully once the dog loses interest in you, slowly back away until he is out of sight.

You may choose to carry a large stick, but a good option is to have an ultrasonic device that are proven to deter dog attacks. Using the device to get the dogs attention and most dogs will turn away from you to leave the source of the sound.