Will Anti Barking Devices work for me?

Learn more about this anti-barking device and what it can do.

Anti barking dog device. A must have for every dog owner.

Learn more from our article: Stop dogs barking device

DAZER ultrasonic stops barking dogs

A Continually Barking Dog

If you have a problem with a dog that is aggressive, won't stop jumping up or simply won't stop barking, our Ultrasonic anti bark device is perfect for you. Using the ultrasonic sound wave technology, it is silent to humans and effective on barking dogs.

See BLOG: Understand Why Dogs Bark

Using the Anti Barking Devices to stop barking

Ultrasonic sound waves can be a helpful tool to stop your dog from barking. The device emits a sharp, loud sound that is above the human hearing range, but dogs and cats hear it clearly. With repeated usage and by adding a verbal command (such as "be quiet"), you may be able to train your dog to stop barking. To use device, point it straight at the offending animal - the closer, the better. If you're looking for an easy way to reduce your dog's barking. It is beneficial to give it a try.

Personal Protection

A great device to have when walking yourself or walking your dog to ensure their safety as well as yours. The sound emitted from the device is inaudible to humans but has a strong repelling effect on dogs.

The high pitched sound is a signal for the dog making the unwanted approach to turn away and retreat.

Training Aid

The HUSH Ultrasonic Device is an effective tool for training your dog and correcting unwanted behaviour. Combine the use of HUSH with verbal commands to maximise training results.

Whether it’s barking, stopping your dog from jumping on furniture or addressing other bad habits, simply press the button for a quick and effective response. At the press of a button, the device emits a high-pitched sound that is inaudible to humans but highly noticeable to dogs.

The HUSH restores the bond between you and your canine companion by stopping bad habits in a way that is both effective and humane. It’s a simple, gentle, and efficient way to train your dog and reinforce desired behaviours.

DAZER II discontinued?

The DAZER II stopped production 2023. Here at 101 iT we are now out of stock and pleased to announce we have now launched the HUSH U20 anti Barking Devices, September 13, 2024 and the HUSH UB122 October 13 2024.

Will Anti Barking Devices work for me?

The effectiveness of ultrasonic bark control devices can vary based on factors such as the dog's age, environment, and training. Here’s what to consider to determine if it’s the right solution for your situation:

  1. Puppy Hearing Development: Puppies under 9 months may not respond as their hearing isn’t fully developed.

  2. Senior Dogs: Older dogs, especially those with hearing loss, may not react to ultrasonic signals.

  3. Distance Limitations: The device’s range matters—models like HUSH U20 work within 7 meters, while the HUSH U122 covers up to 15 meters.

  4. Highly Trained Dogs: Guard or professionally trained dogs may ignore these sound-based deterrents.

  5. Obstructions: Ultrasonic waves require a clear line of sight; solid objects may block the signal.

  6. Device Issues: A malfunction or depleted batteries can reduce effectiveness.

  7. Ultrasonic bark control devices emit a loud (115 dBA), high-frequency sound (25KHz) that is inaudible to humans but noticeable to dogs. These devices are designed for barking control and aggressive dog deterrence.

Important Safety Note: Although the sound is beyond human hearing, prolonged attempts to listen may risk hearing damage. Always refer to the FAQs to confirm proper device function.

How Do Anti Barking Devices Work?

When you press the button, a cone-shaped blast of ultrasonic sound travels directionally toward the target. This sound is inaudible to humans but noticeable to dogs.

Important Note: Do not put the ultrasonic device to your ear. To test its function, aim it at a lit match or cigarette lighter and observe the flicker of the flame.

When the sound reaches the dog, it surprises and interrupts their barking, often leaving them confused and forgetting why they were barking. In some cases, you may need to repeat the process for better results.

How to Operate the Ultrasonic Bark Device

  1. Aim Carefully: Point the device directly at the dog, ensuring no solid obstacles block the path.

  2. Activate the Sound: Ensure the device is powered on, then press and hold the button for 1-3 seconds.

  3. Repeat if Necessary: If barking continues, stop and try again.

  4. Reinforce with Commands: Strengthen the training by using a verbal cue like "Stop" or "No Bark."

With proper use, this simple method can help restore peace to your environment.