Dangerous and Restricted breeds
See your relevant State Below
New South Wales restricted dog are one of the following
• American Pitbull terrier or Pitbull terrier
• Japanese Tosa
• Dogo Argentino (Argentinean Fighting Dog)
• Fila Brasiliero (Brazilian Fighting Dog)
• Any other dog of a breed, kind or description, whose importation into Australia is prohibited by, or under, the Customs Act 1901 of the Commonwealth (Perro de Presa Canario or Presa Canario)
• Any dog declared by an authorised officer of a council, under division 6 of the Companion Animals Act 1998, to be a restricted dog.
If you own a restricted dog and it attacks or injures a person or an animal (other than vermin) without being provoked, you must report it to your local council within 24 hours of the attack or injury.
Queensland restricted dog are one of the following
You must not keep a restricted dog unless the relevant local government has issued you a restricted dog permit. Under the Customs Act 1901, the following breeds are restricted dogs:
• Dogo Argentino
• Fila Brasileiro
• Japanese Tosa
• American Pit Bull Terrier or Pit Bull Terrier
• Perro de Presa Canario or Presa Canario.
• Declared dangerous dogs
• Declared menacing dogs.
Tasmania restricted dog are the following
Restricted Breeds
There are certain dog breeds which have been banned from importation into Australia and have been declared restricted in Tasmania. The restricted breed are:
• Dogo Argentino
• Fila Brasileiro
• Japanese Tosa
• American pit bull terrier or pitbull terrier
• Perro de Presa Canario or Presa Canario
Western Australia restricted dog are one of the following:
Legislation introduced by the Western Australian Government means that special requirements apply when owning a dog that is considered a dangerous dog (restricted breed).
Dangerous dogs (restricted breeds) are:
• Dogo Argentino (Argentinean Fighting Dog)
• Fila Brasileiro (Brazilian Fighting Dog)
• Japanese Tosa
• American Pit Bull Terrier
• Pit Bull Terrier breeds
• Perro de Presa Canario or Presa Canario
• This includes dogs that are mixed with these breeds.
Victoria, a restricted dog is one of the following:
Restricted breed dog definition
Restricted breed dogs are defined as dogs that fit the Approved Standard for Restricted Breed Dogs in Victoria (standard). These may be pure or cross bred:
• American Pit Bull Terriers (or Pit Bull Terriers)
• Perro de Presa Canarios (or Presa Canario)
• Dogo Argentinos
• Japanese Tosas
• Fila Brasileiros.
Restricted breed dogs have not attacked a person or animal or displayed signs of aggression. However, they are considered a higher risk to community safety than other breeds of dogs.